Monday, March 27, 2006

Dad's 50th Birthday

In the Spirit of My dad's 50th. These were some of the "Tips" we had on the front of the cards...
  • After 50 everything that doesn’t hurt, doesn’t work…
  • At 50 you live in your own little world, but its okay because they know you there…
  • Your failing eyesight saves you the anguish of seeing your disintegrating body…
  • Avoid the company of young people, they are a sad reminder of your long lost youth…
  • Fifty is the ultimate “F” word…
  • Develop the power of a photographic memory – take photographs of everyone you need to remember…
  • It took 50 years to look this good…
It turned out to be a great day/night. We sent both my Mum and Dad out on the back of Harley's to Rose Bay where they then got onto a Sea Plane which then took them to have lunch at a restaurant on the water. After lunch they had another ride on the Harley's back home. Dad then had no idea what we had planned - we had about 50 or so people here for a Surprise Birthday Bash.

I'll be posting photos at later, but I don't have them all yet.

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